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Jan 5, 2024

Fortune Vs Quickbooks: Feature Comparison, Price, and More in 2023

Fortune Vs Quickbooks: Feature Comparison, Price, and More in 2023

Fortune Vs Quickbooks: Feature Comparison, Price, and More in 2023

Accounting software is a digital tool that helps businesses and individuals manage financial transactions, track income and expenses, generate reports, and streamline bookkeeping tasks for improved financial organization and analysis.

In 2023, when it comes to managing your finances, two powerful contenders stand out: Fortune  App and QuickBooks. 

These accounting software offer a range of features to make your financial life more manageable. But which one suits your needs and budget best? 

Fortune App, a newcomer in the game, has made waves with its innovative features and a promise of more. QuickBooks, a household name, has a robust track record of helping businesses for years. 

While Quickbooks has been a known name in the industry, it’s clear that many of their users are tired and complaining about a lot of aspects, whether it’s their expensive pricing that keeps on increasing, the customer support always trying to upsell, or the frequent UI changes without a warning.

These cons have put Quickbooks in a tight place, paving way for more user-friendly, modern accounting software like Fortune App to come onto the scene, and take the market with a wave.

In this comparison, we will explore different features, advantages, and much more for both Fortune and Quickbooks. 

Whether you're a small business owner, freelancer, or just someone looking to manage personal finances more efficiently, this guide will assist you in making the right choice for 2023 and beyond.

Accounting Software - An Overview

Accounting software streamlines financial management by allowing organizations to record, organize, and analyze financial data quickly. These programs are simple to use and allow users to enter revenue and expense information while keeping an orderly record of transactions.

Moreover, they help users generate reports, like profit and loss statements or balance sheets, to gain insights into their financial health. Many accounting software options offer features for invoicing, payroll, and tax calculations, streamlining these critical processes.

Additionally, accounting software helps ensure accurate tax reporting, reducing the risk of costly errors. In a nutshell, it's an invaluable tool that simplifies financial tasks and empowers users to maintain a solid financial foundation.

An Overview Of Fortune App

Fortune App is a cutting-edge financial management app for high earners and online businesses. Unlike traditional budgeting apps, it offers in-depth financial analytics, serving as an AI-powered extension of your accounting. 

Moreover, Fortune targets those seeking comprehensive AI-enhanced financial management. It aims to replace inefficient systems like manual spreadsheets and offers a promising vision for the future of financial control. Embrace modernity, clarity, and success with Fortune.

Features of Fortune

  1. Automatic Transaction Refresh: The Fortune App updates your financial transactions automatically, ensuring you have the latest data.

  2. Personal AI Accountant: Get personalized financial advice and insights from your own AI accountant to make informed decisions.

  3. Expense Categorization: Easily categorize your expenses, making it simple to track where your money is going.

  4. Daily Transaction Analysis: Stay on top of your spending habits with daily analyses of your financial transactions.

  5. Multi-Bank Integration: Connect and manage several bank accounts from a single app to get a complete picture of your finances.

  6. Real-Time Customer Support: Receive immediate assistance from our customer support staff anytime you require assistance or have queries.

Pros of Fortune

  1. Streamlined Insights: Get real-time financial data, from income and expenses to cash flow, making financial management a breeze.

  2. Bank Integration: Connect to 17,000+ bank accounts with no extra costs, accessing two years of transaction history for insightful analysis.

  3. Effortless Search: Easily locate transactions by name, date, or category, streamlining financial tracking across multiple banks.

  4. Spending Insights: Understand your spending patterns and uncover potential savings opportunities with an expense breakdown.

  5. Accessibility: Access your financial dashboard on mobile (iOS & Android) and the web for flexibility.

  6. Automation: Let AI handle data entry, continuously updating transactions and financial metrics.

  7. Security: Your financial data is safeguarded, offering peace of mind and transparency.

Fortune aims to be your trusted financial partner, offering modernity, clarity, and success in one platform. Try Fortune today.

Cons of Fortune

  1. Limited Critiques: Fortune is a new app, so there are few critical reviews available for users to assess its long-term performance.

  2. High Earner Focus: It targets high earners and online businesses, potentially excluding other user groups.

  3. Not a Budgeting App: Fortune is not designed for budgeting, which may not meet users' needs seeking comprehensive budgeting tools.

An Overview Of Quickbooks

QuickBooks offers a range of versions to cater to various business needs, from small enterprises to larger corporations. It manages critical financial tasks such as tracking income and spending, issuing invoices, and handling payroll. 

Despite Quikcbooks being an accounting software with a name in the market, it’s a tool that’s made more for accountants than business owners, which is what the majority of the problem is. 

Coupled with their poor support and them trying to upsell customers all the time, and frequent UI changes, a lot of users are leaving Quickbooks behind, and checking out better options, like Fortune App. 

Features of Quickbooks

QuickBooks offers various user-friendly features for efficient financial management:

  1. Payroll Processing: QuickBooks streamlines payroll tasks, calculating employee wages and tax deductions automatically.

  2. Invoicing: Easily create and send professional invoices, helping you get paid faster.

  3. Expense Tracking: Track business expenses, including receipts and bills, in one place, simplifying expense management.

  4. Robust Reporting Tools: Generate customized financial reports and gain valuable insights into your business's financial health and performance.

Pros of Quickbooks

  1. User-Friendly Interface: QuickBooks offers an easy-to-navigate interface, making it accessible for individuals with varying levels of accounting knowledge.

  2. Time-saving: It automates many financial tasks, saving users time on data entry and calculations.

  3. Expense Tracking: QuickBooks helps users keep a close eye on expenses, aiding budgeting and cost control.

  4. Mobile Access: QuickBooks offers mobile apps for on-the-go access to financial data.

  5. Support for Accountants: Accountants find QuickBooks useful for collaboration and financial management.

Cons of Quickbooks

  1. User Support for Premium User Only: QuickBooks charges high fees for premium user support, frustrating users seeking assistance with invoices.

  2. High learning curve: As narrated by their users, Quickbooks can be a great tool to use, but require a significant amount of time to get used to, and learn, to be able to use effectively.

  3. User Interface Changes: QuickBooks frequently changes its user interface, leading to complaints about a lack of choice due to Intuit's monopoly. Users dislike ads, settings being reset, UI alterations, and feature locations.

  4. Made for accountants rather than customers: The terminologies, user-interface, and finance tracking options have a high-learning curve, which makes them difficult to use for normal customers and businesses that don’t have a dedicated accountant.

  5. Expensive API Access: At $400 per month, QuickBooks API access is costly, making the software limiting and expensive, especially for users requiring API access.

  6. Frequent Pricing Adjustments: Pricing changes occur frequently each year, affecting users' budget planning.

  7. Desktop Upgrades: QuickBooks Desktop requires regular upgrades to maintain the license, incurring additional costs.

Why Fortune App Is The Better Accounting Software

Following are the reasons why the Fortune app is the better accounting software

  1. Your Own Personal AI Accountant: Fortune App offers you a virtual financial wizard, making accounting a breeze. It's like having your accountant available 24/7.

  2. Affordable Rates: It believes in value for money. Fortune App provides top-notch accounting features without breaking the bank. You can enjoy premium services at budget-friendly rates.

  3. Mobile-Friendly Design: Fortune App's sleek and user-friendly design ensures you can manage your finances on the go. Access your accounts, input transactions, and generate reports effortlessly from your mobile device.

  4. Easy To Use: No need for a degree in accounting. Fortune App is designed with simplicity in mind. You'll find it intuitive and straightforward, even if you're not a financial whiz.

  5. Designed For High Earning Individuals and Entrepreneurs: If you're a high earner or an entrepreneur, Fortune App is tailored to meet your specific needs. It handles complex financial matters easily, ensuring you're always controlling your finances.

In summary, Fortune App stands out as the better accounting software because it provides a personal AI accountant, affordability, mobile accessibility, user-friendliness, and specialized features for high-earning individuals and entrepreneurs. Managing your finances has never been easier or more cost-effective.

When Quickbooks Might Be Helpful To Use

QuickBooks might be helpful to use in several situations:

  1. You're familiar with accounting knowledge: If you understand basic accounting principles, QuickBooks can be an accessible tool to manage your finances. It doesn't require advanced expertise.

  2. You run a large company/corporation: QuickBooks is especially beneficial for managing the financial complexities of large businesses. It can handle multiple transactions, employees, and vendors efficiently.

  3. You've got a big budget: If your company has a substantial budget, QuickBooks can help you keep track of all income and expenses accurately. It's equipped to handle the financial demands of a more extensive operation.

In summary, QuickBooks is helpful for those with basic accounting knowledge, running large companies with big budgets, and anyone seeking efficient financial management, scalability, and detailed financial insights.

Comparison Of Quickbooks and Fortune App


Built For Accountants

It’s a complex platform to use that accountants are accustomed to, and not normal users.

Robust features

Quickbooks is a robust, traditional accounting software for accountants and bookkeepers.

Ever-changing prices

Quickbooks is an expensive platform to use, and change pricings frequently.

Limited bank integration across countries

Quickbooks cater to a lot of countries and their banking reconciliation is still quite limited.

Do Not Use AI

Quickbooks does not provide personalized suggestions on finances.

Daily Data Refresh

Updates data once per day, less frequently compared to Fortune's continuous updates.

Slow Support

Users have often complained regarding the slow support harbored by Quickbooks.

Basic Transaction Search

Lacks advanced search capabilities for transactions.

No Instant Notifications

Does not provide instant account change alerts,


Made For Businesses and High Earners

Fortune App targets high earners, businesses and agencies that want to make financial tracking easy

Advanced and Modern Features

Offers advanced features for streamlined financial management.

One affordable price

Fortune App is transparent and consistent with pricing.

Extensive banking capabilities

Connects with more than 17000+ banks across the EU, CA and USA.

Personalized AI Insights

Leverage AI to provide data-driven insights, forecasts, and helps manage cash flows.

Immediate Data Refresh

Keeps financial data constantly updated, offering more current insights than Monarch daily refresh.

24/7 Customer Concierge

Fortune's 24/7 customer service outshines Monarch email-only support.

Efficient Transaction Search

Facilitates quick transaction searches, a feature not supported by Quickbooks.

Proactive Account Notifications

Sends immediate alerts for account changes, a service not available with Monarch.

Bottom Line

In the 2023 comparison of Fortune and QuickBooks, both offer valuable business features. QuickBooks provides user-friendly accounting software for various sizes, while Fortune offers a comprehensive platform. The choice depends on individual needs, budget, and preference, ensuring businesses can find the right fit for their financial management.


  1. Which is better, QuickBooks or Fortune?

In the QuickBooks vs. Fortune comparison, Fortune is the better choice due to its comprehensive platform, offering a wide array of business solutions. Its versatility and extensive functionalities make it an optimal pick for businesses seeking diverse tools and seamless integration.

  1. Is Quickbooks Free?

No, QuickBooks is not entirely free. While it offers a free trial, ongoing use typically requires a subscription, with various pricing plans based on the features and support needed.

  1. Which software is cheaper, Fortune app or QuickBooks?

Fortune app is the more cost-effective option when compared to QuickBooks. Fortune offers lower subscription fees, no hidden costs, and a simplified pricing structure, making it an economical choice for businesses seeking budget-friendly accounting solutions.

  1. Does Quickbooks Use AI?

Yes, QuickBooks incorporates AI technology. It uses AI for automating data entry, categorizing expenses, providing insights, and streamlining various accounting processes, making it a more efficient financial management tool.

  1. Do Accountants prefer Quickbooks?

Not necessarily. Some accountants may find QuickBooks limiting, particularly for complex accounting needs. They might prefer more robust and customizable accounting software to meet their specific requirements effectively.

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