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Apr 2, 2024

Top Small Business Accounting Software Reviews

Top Small Business Accounting Software Reviews

Top Small Business Accounting Software Reviews

In the ever-evolving landscape of business technology, accounting software stands as a pivotal tool for financial management. These solutions, powered by advanced AI algorithms, enable businesses to streamline financial reporting, billing, cash flow management, and more. But how does one choose the best accounting software? User reviews and testimonials play a crucial role in this decision-making process.

This article delves into the importance of accounting software in modern business, highlighting the role of AI in detecting anomalies and discrepancies. We will explore the key features to look for in accounting software and review the top five solutions, including QuickBooks, Xero, Fortune App, FreshBooks, and Sage, based on user feedback and testimonials.

Accounting Software - What Are They

Accounting software is a specialized type of application software designed to help individuals and businesses manage their financial transactions and processes. This software streamlines and simplifies tasks such as recording financial transactions, tracking expenses and incomes, reconciling bank statements, and producing financial reports. The primary goal of accounting software is to maintain accurate financial records and ensure compliance with financial regulations and tax laws.

The use of accounting software brings several benefits. It reduces the likelihood of human errors that can occur with manual record-keeping. By automating complex calculations and data entries, it saves time and increases efficiency. Moreover, it provides real-time financial insights, allowing businesses to monitor their financial health closely and make informed decisions.

Modern accounting software often includes features like invoicing, payroll processing, budgeting, and forecasting. It can also integrate with other business systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) tools, to provide a more comprehensive view of the business's operations.

With advancements in technology, many accounting software solutions now use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms. These technologies enhance the software's ability to recognize anomalies or discrepancies in financial data, predict future trends, and provide actionable insights. This evolution marks a significant step towards more intelligent and proactive financial management.

Accounting software is an essential tool for modern businesses. It aids in efficient financial management, ensures accuracy, and provides valuable insights for strategic planning. As technology continues to evolve, these software solutions will become even more integral to business operations, shaping the future of financial management.

Why Use an Accounting Software?

Accounting software is a transformative tool for businesses, especially as they grow and their financial data becomes more complex. Traditional methods like spreadsheets, while initially sufficient, can become confusing, time-consuming, and prone to errors as business scales. Accounting software offers a scalable solution, adapting to increasingly complex financial data.

Key benefits of using accounting software include streamlined invoicing and billing, efficient online payments, accurate expense tracking, and simplified bank reconciliation. These features ensure that financial transactions are managed effectively and efficiently.

Invoicing and billing are critical functions for any business. Accounting software automates these processes, saving time and reducing errors. It allows for the creation of recurring profiles and automated invoice scheduling, ensuring timely and consistent billing. The software also facilitates automated payment reminders, ensuring timely payments and reducing the chances of missed or delayed payments.

Online payment integration is another significant advantage. Accounting software can connect with various payment gateways, offering clients secure and convenient payment options. This integration automatically records payments and updates them in the accounting system, supporting multiple currencies and simplifying international transactions.

Expense tracking is vital for understanding cash flow. Accounting software enables businesses to categorize expenses and keep tabs on where money is being spent. It also allows for the digital uploading and recording of expense receipts, eliminating the need for paper records and reducing the risk of losing important documentation.

Bank reconciliation, a core accounting function, is streamlined with accounting software. By connecting directly to bank accounts, the software can automatically fetch statements and categorize transactions, simplifying the reconciliation process and keeping businesses audit-ready.

Furthermore, accounting software often includes timesheets and project management tools. These features help in billing customers accurately based on time spent on projects and managing project budgets effectively.

Inventory management is another area where accounting software proves invaluable. It aids in tracking items, managing stock levels, and generating inventory-specific reports, providing better insight and efficiency in managing inventory.

Lastly, accounting software assists with tax compliance, ensuring adherence to local tax regulations and simplifying tax calculations. It also offers robust reporting capabilities, generating crucial financial statements and other business reports, aiding in informed decision-making and business growth.

Choosing An Accounting Software - What Should You Look For?

When selecting accounting software, consider factors like ease of use, compatibility with existing systems, scalability, and the quality of customer support. Look for software that offers comprehensive features like invoicing, payroll management, tax compliance, and robust reporting capabilities.

User-Friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface in accounting software is essential. It makes the software accessible and easy to use for everyone, regardless of their tech skills. The interface should be intuitive, with clear menus and straightforward navigation. This ensures that users can find what they need quickly, without confusion or frustration. 

A well-designed interface helps in efficient task completion, from entering data to generating reports. It also reduces the learning curve for new users, allowing them to get up to speed quickly. In short, a user-friendly interface is key to the effective use of accounting software, making financial management tasks simpler and more efficient for businesses of all sizes.

Customization and Scalability

Customization and scalability are crucial in accounting software. Every business has unique needs, and the software must adapt to meet these requirements. Customizable software allows businesses to tailor features to their specific processes, ensuring a perfect fit. This includes setting up custom invoices, reports, and workflows. Scalability is also vital. 

As a business grows, its accounting needs change. Scalable software can handle increased transactions and users without losing performance. It grows with your business, avoiding the need for frequent software changes. Customization and scalability ensure that the software remains a valuable tool throughout the business's growth journey.

Security Features

Security features in accounting software are essential. They protect sensitive financial data from unauthorized access and cyber threats. Good software includes strong encryption, secure data storage, and regular backups. This ensures that financial information is safe, even if a system breach occurs. User access controls are also important. 

They allow businesses to set permissions for different users, ensuring that employees only access the information they need. Regular security updates are crucial to keep the software safe from new threats. In summary, robust security features are a must in accounting software to safeguard financial data and maintain the trust of clients and stakeholders.

Integration Capabilities

Integration capabilities in accounting software are key to streamlining business operations. They allow the software to connect with other business tools, like CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and payroll services. This integration means data flows smoothly between systems, reducing manual data entry and errors. It ensures that all business information is synced and up-to-date. 

Good integration also provides a more complete view of the business, aiding in better decision-making. In short, integration capabilities make accounting software more powerful and efficient, helping businesses to manage their operations more effectively.


Cost-effectiveness is a vital aspect of choosing accounting software. It's important to find a solution that offers the right balance of features and price. Affordable software can still provide essential functions like invoicing, expense tracking, and reporting. 

It's important to consider not just the initial cost but also the long-term value. Efficient software saves time and reduces errors, which can lead to cost savings over time. Additionally, some software offers scalable plans, so you only pay for what you need as your business grows. In essence, cost-effective accounting software should meet your financial needs without straining your budget.

Reviews and Testimonials - Why They Matter In Accounting Software

Reviews and testimonials are vital when choosing accounting software. They provide real insights from users who have firsthand experience with the product. This feedback is invaluable in understanding how the software performs in practical scenarios.

Positive reviews often highlight the strengths of the software, such as ease of use, robust features, and excellent customer support. These aspects assure potential buyers of the software's reliability and efficiency. Negative testimonials, on the other hand, shed light on potential issues or limitations, helping buyers to make an informed decision.

Reviews also offer a glimpse into the software's effectiveness in various business contexts, from small startups to large corporations. They can reveal how well the software scales, its adaptability to different industries, and its compatibility with other business tools.

Testimonials often provide a more personal perspective, sharing stories of how the software has impacted businesses. These stories can be compelling, showing potential buyers the practical benefits and real-world applications of the software.

Reviews and testimonials are a crucial part of the decision-making process in selecting accounting software. They offer honest feedback, share user experiences, and provide valuable insights, helping businesses to choose a solution that best meets their needs.

5 Best Accounting Software (and their Reviews)



QuickBooks, developed by Intuit, is a comprehensive accounting software suite designed to assist businesses of all sizes in efficiently managing their finances. It's recognized for its user-friendly interface and offers a range of features to streamline financial tasks, such as invoicing, expense tracking, payroll management, and generating insightful financial reports.


  • Financial Statements: Generates essential reports like Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows.

  • Consolidated Multicompany Reports: Allows for creating consolidated reports from multiple QuickBooks Online company files.

  • Employee Time & Expenses Tracking: Tracks billable hours and expenses, which can be added to customer invoices.

  • Project Profitability Monitoring: Offers tools to create, manage, and track the profitability of projects.

  • Payroll Management: Includes an integrated payroll function for automatic calculation and running of payroll.

Pros of QuickBooks

  • Accuracy and Currency Support: Offers increased accuracy in financial management and supports over 100 currencies.

  • Device Accessibility: Accessible on multiple types of devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

  • Banking and App Integrations: Integrates with over 200 banking and other applications.

  • Customization: Provides customized reporting and invoice templates.

  • Offline Functionality: Does not require an Internet connection for its desktop version.

Cons of QuickBooks

  • Device Limitation: The desktop version is only accessible on the installed device.

  • Manual Updates: Requires manual updates and backups.

  • Collaboration Challenges: No real-time collaboration in the desktop version.

  • Phasing Out Desktop Version: Intuit will cease support for QuickBooks Desktop Pro from June 2023.

  • Learning Curve: Some features require accounting knowledge and may not be user-friendly for beginners.

Positive Reviews

  • “Bookkeeper here. QuickBooks Online can be a great tool if you take the time to use it correctly.” (source)

  • “The price increase was my final straw to drop a tier. I thought it would be cutting out features we don't use anyway. Except it cut out one important feature I actually needed. So after talking to them about bumping us back up a tier, the service rep offered us 50% off for the next twelve months.” (source).

  • “I hate the monopoly too, but it does make my life much easier and it's worth the $180 price to hand off a complete set of books to the CPA that charges $300+ per hour. Work with your CPA's file so they have everything set up properly.” (source)

  • "QuickBooks has many pros and many annoying things about it. Assuming you’re doing at least a couple hundred thousand dollars revenue and not surviving on razor thin margins, I think it is worth it for the following reasons: (source)

  • “As a 3 member LLC you can give your other members more visibility in real time to help with active management. -You can see when invoices have been viewed by clients which cuts down on AR by being proactive when you see a client hasn’t even opened the invoice and it’s nearing a due date. -matching receipts with expenses and categorizing / job costing is seriously easier.visibility to spending, margins, and cash flow in real time.” (source)

Negative Reviews

  • "I called to check on the status on an invoice that should have been deposited into my bank and they couldn't help me without signing me up with an annual fee for assistance on my account? Wtf? I use quickbooks for payroll, estimates and invoices. Does anyone here use other simple programs that doesn't have dumbass fees like this?” (source)

  • "ive been looking and have asked our accountant as well. Unfortunately due to the monopoly they have, good options are limited. I absolutely hate them. Every screen now has an Ad for a new ""feature"" they offer, to run through them. Every setting gets reset each time you log off to benefit them. They keep introducing UI changes with no warning, and everything is in a new menu, new location. Sucks." (source)

  • "Yes, im in the home service industry. There are a ton of CRM/work order systems out there, but none of them hit that itch i have. i love keeping tons of information on the homes/properties we work in, as well as customer data but i need to use a hodgepudge of apps to make this work. and on top of that, to get any API access for zapier or N8N you always have to buy the top tier membership, regardless if your a 1-2 team or 100 team. Sucks being told the API access for automation is only available if you pay 400 a month. would make things so much easier."(source)

  • "I really hate how they do this. They make it so hard for us to get any type of help whatsoever. It's just not good for us business wise. I wish there were more options for smaller companies like mine. I guess until then I'm stuck" (source)

  • “I made the mistake of using Quickbooks for accepting customer payments. The company froze my account on 2/16, requesting more documentation. I provided the documents requested on 2/17 and they said two business days for review. Spolier alert it's 2/27 and the funds are still frozen.Have been on the phone with them almost every day since the funds are needed to purchase essential tooling and supplies.” (source)

Final Verdict

Quickbooks has bee a long standing name in the market, but they’re often critizied due to their frequent price increases, bad customer support, and monopoly that they use to bring in clients and upsell them their services. In contrast, there are better, cost-effecive, and newer services coming out, Like Fortune App, that prove to be more valuable for your buck. 



Xero is a cloud-based accounting software designed to help small businesses and accountants efficiently manage their finances. It emphasizes ease of use and flexibility, enabling users to handle accounting tasks from anywhere and on any device. Xero offers a range of features, from invoicing and payroll to project tracking and financial reporting, catering to the diverse needs of various business types.


  • Accessibility: Accessible from anywhere on multiple devices, including mobile apps.

  • Employee Payroll: Manages employee pay records online and processes pay runs.

  • Project Profitability Tracking: Tracks time and costs for projects, monitors profitability.

  • Automatic Data Capture: Integrates with Hubdoc for automatic bill and receipt capture.

  • App Integration: Connects with over 1000 apps, including inventory, CRM, and time tracking tools.

Pros of Xero

  • Flexible Accessibility: Offers the convenience of accessing data and tools from anywhere.

  • Comprehensive Functionality: Provides a wide range of features for different business needs.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Known for its intuitive and easy-to-use design.

  • Efficient Collaboration: Allows multiple users to work simultaneously during the free trial.

  • Strong Support System: Provides 24/7 online support and helpful resources for users.

Cons of Xero

  • Limited Customization: Compared to some other accounting software, it might offer less customization.

  • Internet Dependency: Being cloud-based, it requires a stable internet connection for access.

  • Pricing: After the initial discount period, regular pricing might be a consideration for some small businesses.

  • Feature Limitations in Lower Plans: Some advanced features might only be available in higher-priced plans.

Positive Reviews

  • "Use it every day in my job. It's probably the best accounting software I've ever used. I've checked out other ones like saasu and wave accounting and xero is way better." (source)

  • "I changed my accountant 6 years ago to one that was using Xero and have never looked back. I manage 3 companies with it now and it makes things a breeze. Usability, bank feeds and having the data accessible by your accountant were the biggest drivers for me. Just make sure you have an accountant that knows Xero and they should be able to give you a quick intro that is all you need to get started. From there you can do most of it yourself. Just do it, you'll love it." (source)

  • “You absolutely do have the categorize all the transactions - any accountant you get will say this. This is how you communicate your income/expenses to them so that they can help you.” (source)

  • "Accountant here. Xero 100%. I know a number of accountants that simply won’t work with business owners if they don’t use Xero. The Xero you use is part of a larger small business eco system. Spend the time with your accountant / bookkeeper upfront to get your accounts, quoting and invoicing systemised and as automated as possible. If you’re like most tradies I know, evenings and weekends are when you take care of your admin, so any investment you make to simplify that and save time will give you better work/life balance."( source)

  • "Also public accountant here. Xero 100%. I even hate it when I do bookkeeping for clients that use QB to be honest. Also I think it's much easier if you want to do your own bookkeeping as well via Xero."( source)

Negative Reviews

  • "I hate Xero, honestly. I would love to find an alternate company to give my money to besides Intuit but Xero is not it for me (at least it wasn't as of a year ago when I tried it). I feel like it's not made for accountants. Journal entries are garbage and it doesn't let you make JE's to certain accounts. Reconciliations are useless. Tacky things like ""spend money"" or ""make money"" as the terminology (can't remember exactly what they used but it wasn't very professional). To me it felt like they geared it toward people who know nothing about bookkeeping or accounting but they don't give accountants a better, more powerful version." (source)

  • "It sucketh mightily!! No access levels for different employees. No Disputing invoices. No Cost Codes. Shit Support. Absolute Crap in total. I am nearly 40 Years in Accountancy (CIMA), Practise and Commerce and have yet to use a worse system.I started on Manual Ledgers and Kalamazoo, and they are better. (The other Dinosaurs will remember Kalamazoo!)"(source)


  • "My experience XERO is very bad. ZERO SUPPORT. INCOMPETENT EMAIL STAFF. They will lock you out of your account and keep billing your credit card, without an easy cancel option. NO SUPPORT STAFF with ANY BRAINS or Common Sense. If you want a LOT of extra STRESS, HOURS of AGGRAVATION and HIGHER BLOOD PRESSURE then try Xero. QB and Wave are better options IMO. STAY AWAY FROM XERO!"(source)

  • “From an accountant perspective, I hate it. The audit trail is practically non existent, the bank reconciliation is atrocious - cash management is such a basic requirement. It does way too many "look how easy this is" things for business owners that have no idea what they're doing, so by the time the accountant gets it, the books are usually a complete garbage fire.”(source)

Final Verdict

Xero, while praised for many aspects, has its share of shortcomings. 

Financial Reporting and Payroll Management are notable areas where Xero falls short. Users often find the reporting tools limited, particularly their inability to add percentages and handle complex payroll tasks efficiently. 

Data Organization also presents challenges; the system lacks flexible customer management options, including the inability to delete customers, and offers limited search capabilities for locating specific documents like quotes or invoices. 

Another significant shortfall is in User Interface Customization. Users seeking personalized dashboards or a more adaptable layout find Xero's minimalistic design too rigid. 

Fortune App


Fortune App is an AI-driven accounting software designed for business decision-making. It offers a comprehensive financial overview across all bank accounts and entities, providing detailed insights with easy-to-understand visuals. This software is particularly useful for businesses and high-income individuals looking to automate and streamline their financial tracking and forecasting.


  • Automatic Transaction Categorization: Simplifies the process of organizing financial data.

  • Real-Time Alerts: Keeps users informed about every transaction.

  • Flexible Date Range Selector: Allows customized viewing of financial data.

  • Bank Account Integration: Connects with over 17,000 bank institutions worldwide.

  • Cross-Platform Availability: Accessible on desktop, mobile, and tablet devices.

  • Cash Flow Monitoring: Offers 24/7 monitoring for up-to-date financial information.

  • Advanced Transaction Search: Helps in quickly locating specific financial data.

Pros of Fortune App

  • Time-Saving: Reduces time spent on manual accounting tasks.

  • Increased Accuracy: Improves the accuracy of transaction categorization.

  • Enhanced Cash Flow Tracking: Offers more efficient cash flow tracking.

  • Comprehensive Financial Overview: Provides a detailed view of financial health.

  • Worldwide Availability: Can be used globally with its extensive bank connectivity.

  • Mobile-Friendly: Seamlessly operates on mobile and web platforms.

  • Affordable: Offers straightforward pricing with no hidden fees.

Cons of Fortune App

  • Limited Features for Larger Businesses: May not have advanced features required by larger enterprises.

  • New in the Market: As a relatively new software, it might lack the extensive user base and community support of established software.

  • Dependence on Internet Connectivity: Being cloud-based, it requires a stable internet connection for access.

Positive Reviews

Fortune App is commended for its AI-driven features and affordability, appealing to small and medium-sized businesses.

  • The user interface of this software product is very user-friendly and intuitive, making a great first impression (Source)

  • A trusted partner to extend your accounting and simplify, automate, and redesign your daily interactions with finance. (Source

Negative Reviews

  • “The price, compared with personal finace apps like Mint and Monarch, is still considerably high, but in a way, it makes sense since the application has AI-based analytics. Still, for the average consumer, $30 a month sounds a tad bit high.”- (Source)

Final Verdict

Fortune App is a promising choice for businesses looking for AI-driven accounting solutions at a competitive price With two affordable payment plans available, at $30 and $10 a month, the price to value ratio is very suitable for people looking for a one-stop solution for AI analytics, expense forecast, personalized dashboards, bank reconciliation, and many other features.



FreshBooks is a cloud-based accounting software designed for small businesses, freelancers, and service providers. It focuses on simplifying invoicing, time tracking, and expense management. FreshBooks offers a range of user-friendly features to help businesses efficiently handle their financial tasks, streamline client billing, and gain insights into their financial health.


  • Customizable Invoices: Create professional-looking invoices with ease.

  • Automatic Late Fees: Apply late fees to overdue invoices automatically.

  • Credit Card Payments: Accept credit card payments on invoices.

  • Recurring Invoices: Automate regular billing with scheduled invoices.

  • Multi-Currency and Multi-Language Invoices: Invoice clients in various currencies and languages.

  • Automatic Tax Calculations: Ensure accurate sales tax collection.

  • Expense Tracking: Easily categorize and record business expenses.

Pros of FreshBooks

  • User-Friendly Interface: Known for its intuitive design, making it easy to navigate.

  • Efficient Invoicing: Streamlines the invoicing process, enhancing client interactions.

  • Comprehensive Financial Reporting: Provides detailed financial reports and insights.

  • Mobile Accessibility: Manage finances on the go with a mobile app.

  • Time Tracking: Includes time tracking tools for accurate billing.

Cons of FreshBooks

  • Focus on Invoicing: More suited for invoicing and billing than comprehensive accounting.

  • Limited Custom Reporting: Some users may find reporting options less customizable.

  • Pricing: While competitive, it may still be a consideration for very small businesses or individuals.

Positive Reviews

  • "I'm a certified Freshbooks partner and have bookkeeping clients in it. If you plan to do your own books, it takes a shift in thinking and workflows to get the hang of it. But their support is amazing. And they are actively working on improving the platform. If you want an easier transition though from QBO, I'd recommend Xero. I have clients in both systems and when I was first learning them, Xero was quicker to pickup. I do prefer projects & invoicing through Freshbooks. Overall feel of it is smooth and the mobile versions are great. But Xero still does a good job there too. I hope that helps" (source)

  • “I love Freshbooks being very simple and easy to use, and love their time tracking tool. It is a MUST that I track my time since I do flat-rate or hourly rate work and need to stay within budget. I also work on retainer (prepayment of all services I render). The thing I dislike about Freshbooks is their retainer system is stubburn and doesn't allow me to adjust it as needed. So, I have to do workarounds for tracking payments/time for prepaid work to ensure I stay within my budgeted amount of time.”(source)

  • There is are some really good comparison guides you can refer to with unbiased opinions. FreshBooks can be utilized to track expenses and revenues but ti is actually a time tracking and invoicing suite. You can see a full comparison guide on Fit Small Business. They have an article on best accounting software for small businesses.(source)

Negative Reviews

  • “I feel like Freshbooks might be good for people that have super simple books, but anything other than people paying from a CC or checking account doesn't seem to work. They seem to still be putting the Double Entry Accounting thing together.” (source)

  • "If you make your clients pay you through Freshbooks, your business is bad and you should feel bad for making people jump through hoops, use their shit interface, and not be able to do simple things like download a monthly statement. I hate this ""service"" with the fire of a thousand suns and would stop at nothing to convince people not to use it."(source)

  • “I used Freshbooks for years and recently switched to the Zoho stack. The primary reason is the price being tied to the number of clients”(source)

Final Verdict

FreshBooks lacks comprehensive accounting features and trends; it cannot perform full balance sheet reports and complex bank reconciliations essential for thorough financial management. 

It's also criticized for an interface that some users find counterintuitive post-update, leading to a clunky user experience. 

Additionally, the mobile app is reportedly buggy across both major platforms. FreshBooks is not optimal for inventory-based businesses, and the transaction fees can be high for those processing a significant number of transactions. 

When you add the 3% transaction fees on each individual transaction, their extended focus on engagement rather than usability, and various issues in the search functionality, there’s a lot to turn a blind eye if you want to keep using Freshbooks.



Sage is a comprehensive accounting software designed for small to medium-sized businesses. It combines the robustness of desktop accounting software with the flexibility of cloud connectivity. Sage offers a variety of solutions tailored to different business needs, including Sage 50, Sage Intacct, and Sage Business Cloud.

 These solutions cater to a wide range of industries and business types, providing tools for invoicing, cash flow management, payroll, tax compliance, and more.


  • In-depth Reporting: Generate detailed reports on expenses, profits, and other financial metrics.

  • Cloud-Connected Capabilities: Access accounting data remotely, enhancing flexibility and collaboration.

  • Integrated Payroll: Manage employee payments, tax deductions, and benefits directly within the software.

  • Advanced Inventory Management: Track and manage inventory levels effectively.

  • Customizable Reports: Tailor reports to specific business needs.

  • Automation of Financial Tasks: Streamline invoicing, expense management, and bank reconciliation.

Pros of Sage

  • Versatility: Offers solutions for a range of industries and business sizes.

  • Advanced Functionality: Provides comprehensive tools for complex accounting tasks.

  • Cloud Integration: Enables remote access and collaboration.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies financial management tasks.

  • Scalability: Accommodates business growth with various software options.

  • Strong Customer Support: Provides extensive resources and support for users.

Cons of Sage

  • Complexity: Some features may be too advanced for small business owners without accounting expertise.

  • Cost: Higher-tier solutions can be expensive for smaller businesses.

  • Software Updates: Requires keeping up with software updates for optimal functionality.

Positive Reviews

  • Sage 50 is best for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). (source)

  • Faster Reporting: You can quickly get a detailed report of how your business is faring since your transactions are automatically updated. The basic reports in Sage Software includes sales tax, profit and loss, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and cash flow projections.(source)

  • Organized Inventory: Whether you're offering products and/or services, you can easily organize everything with Sage's inventory feature. You can also add your products/services, categorize them, and customize the prices for regular, preferred, and web customers.(source)

  • Easy Tax Payment: Sage offers a tool for easy tax filing and payment. It saves you the stress of preparing for the tax season, so you can file taxes quickly and focus on making profits.(source)

  • Remote Access: Sage accounting software is not limited to your desktop in the office. On those days when you are on a business trip, vacation, or any activity that takes you out of the office, you can still access your business records from your smartphone. You can also collaborate with team members while on the move.(source)

Negative Reviews

  • All accounting software is complete garbage. CCH, Sage, Intuit, Thomson Reuters - all terrible development.(source)

  • here is apparently a Sage for desktop only (but even it seems like they are forcing people into the online subscriptions). I've seen the desktop version sold on at places like Office Max / Office Depot but the reviews were extremely poor. Granted there were just a couple reviews. $391 for an actual license.(source)

  • Sage ALWAYS say "It's a network problem" as if that absolves them from any further support responsibilities.(source)

  • FYI Sage 50 is even more expensive than Quickbooks plus you are forced to buy Microsoft 365 and Their Sage Drive for when you have 2+ users…(source)

  • Sage50 if your plan is to position yourself as an expert.(source)

Final Verdict

Sage stands out for its versatility and comprehensive features, catering to a wide range of business requirements. However, it’s been largely critizied as a software that is too difficult to understand, unless you’re both a technician as well as an accounting expert.

Pairing that with an expensive plan, buggy desktop software, and other notable problems, Sage isn’t the go-to solution, especially if you’re a small-to-medium business/enterprise.

Bottom Line

Choosing the right accounting software is crucial for effective financial management. By considering user reviews and testimonials, businesses can make informed decisions that align with their specific needs. 

Whether it's QuickBooks, Xero, Fortune App, FreshBooks, or Sage, each software offers unique strengths and caters to different business requirements. Remember, the best choice is the one that fits your business's unique needs and helps you achieve your financial goals.


What are 4 factors that should be considered when selecting accounting software?

When selecting accounting software, consider cost and scalability, ease of use and user interface, integration capabilities, and reporting and compliance features.

How do I choose an accounting software?

To choose accounting software, assess your business needs and budget, research and compare features, consider ease of use and support, and look for scalability and integration options.

How do you review an accounting system?

To review an accounting system, evaluate the user experience and interface, analyse features and functionality, check integration with other tools, and review customer support and updates.

Which accounting software do you recommend why?

I recommend Fortune App for its comprehensive features tailored to small businesses. It offers a user-friendly interface and cost-effective solutions, making it a great choice for streamlined business accounting.

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